Power of Attorney Apostille

Power of Attorney Apostille is a legal document which gives the authority to a person to make legal decisions on properties (such as Flats, Land or any Proprietor group or organisation) in the absence of the person who actually own them.

It is a type of POA and greatly considered by the principal because it sanctions limited power to the legal advisor or legal firm for handling legal issues on behalf of the principal. In this type, there is no chance of misusing the power by the legal advisor. It is also known as the special power of attorney.

It is a type of POA and least considered by the principal because it sanctions full power to the legal advisor or legal firm for handling legal issues on behalf of the principal. In this type, there is a chance of misusing the power by the legal advisor.

It is a type of POA which gives power to the legal advisor or legal firm for handling legal issues on behalf of the principal when he is mentally not well and not able to take any decision. For example, if a person suffering from Schezophreniac in the later stage of his life but wants his father to make a decision on his behalf then he can name his father to be his Durable Power of Attorney.

It is a type of POA which gives power to the legal advisor to make decisions on the matter related to the principal’s medical treatment.

Procedure to get Power of Attorney Apostille

POA (Power of attorney) needs to be signed by the applicant in front of Consular officer and needs to be witnessed by 2 individuals with their name and address and valid passport. (passport details in full)

The witness needs to sign in front of the consular officer and witnesses should not be a part of the POA. The persons who are witnessing should produce all the original documents which are mentioned above and should handover the self attested copies of them.

If the Applicant has any cases pending in courts of the country, for the POA he needs to provide a copy of Court cases for review to the Consular officer.

Blank Form (#3)
Power of Attorney Apostille

Power of Attorney is a legal document which gives the authority to a person to make legal decisions on properties (such as Flats, Land or any Proprietor group or organisation) in the absence of the person who actually own them.

An "apostille power of attorney" refers to a Power of Attorney (POA) document that has been officially authenticated with an apostille stamp, allowing it to be legally recognized and used in countries that are part of the Hague Convention, essentially verifying its authenticity for international use. 

Key points about apostille power of attorney:
  • What is a Power of Attorney (POA):

    A legal document where someone grants authority to another person to act on their behalf in specific legal matters. 

  • What is an apostille:

    An official stamp or certification added to a document to verify its authenticity for use in another country, particularly those that are part of the Hague Convention. 

  • Why apostille a POA:

    When someone needs to use a POA in a foreign country, getting it apostilled ensures that the document is recognized as legally valid in that jurisdiction. 

Example scenario: If you want to sell property in another country while residing abroad, you might need to create a POA for a representative to handle the sale on your behalf, and then get that POA apostilled to ensure its legal validity in the foreign country.