Process of getting apostille for UK issued documents in India

UK Apostille is a process of verifying the UK issued original / Photocopy  documents for its authenticity, Originality and correctness for the use in all Hague Nations.

Apostille in the UK is provided by the Commonwealth and Development Office ( FCDO ) commonly known as FCDO Apostille. 

  • Personal
    • UK Birth certificate 
    • UK Marriage Certificate 
    • UK Death Certificate 
    • UK Degree / Diploma Educational documents
  • Commercial
    • Company Registration 
    • MOU 
    • POA 

Need UK Apostille / FCDO Apostille to be considered as a legal document in India or anywhere in Countries which are part of Hague nation.

Personal documents such as UK Birth certificate, UK marriage certificate, UK death certificate etc can be apostilled by 2 process 

  1. Apostille on Original Document 
  2. Apostille on Photocopy 

UK Apostille Process for UK Degree / Diploma / Educational document

  • For Educational document apostille you need to submit the original documents to us, because apostille on the original Educational documents quick and easy process 
  • Once you submit the original documents its authenticity is checked 
  • After authenticity is proved the document is sealed and signed by Solicitors seal designed specifically for apostille 
  • After Solicitors seal the document is finally submitted to FCDO for final Apostille
  • FCDO after verifying the original document will paste a Apostille sticker on the backside of the document.
  • If you want apostille on the photocopy of the educational certificate, you must request your university to confirm the authenticity of the document through email.

UK Apostille process for commercial documents or affidavits

Similar to the other documents, commercial documents which are issued by the government bodies can be apostilled on original as well as photocopy, however affidavits or other certificates, letters etc issued on company letterhead needs original documents to be submitted.

Blank Form (#3)